Reference > Configuration > Scaffolding
To scaffold Enums, the fully qualified type names of each Enum
must be provided in scaffold configuration. The scaffolding process needs to know where you would like to use the Enum types instead of the inferred database data type.
For example, if the AddressType column in the Address table has a DbType of int and allows null, the scaffolded property AddressType
in the Address
entity would have a CLR type of int?
. To change this property type from the CLR type int?
to AddressType?
, an override must be provided in the dbexpression.config.json configuration file:
"enums": [
{typename}[, ...{n-typename}]
For example, if the AddressType column in the Address table has a DbType of int and allows null, the scaffolded property AddressType
in the Address
entity would have a CLR type of int?
. To change this property type from the CLR type int?
to AddressType?
, an override must be provided in the dbexpression.config.json configuration file:
"enums": [
"overrides": {
"apply": {
"clrType": "SimpleConsole.Data.AddressType?",
"to": {
"path": "dbo.Address.AddressType"
This configuration indicates that for the column dbo.Address.AddressType the scaffolded property type will be the CLR type AddressType?
for the property AddressType
on the Address